“KIDS CASTLE” Baylor International Montessori Pre-School has been established in 2010 A.D. aiming at improving the quality of education through child centered learning where importance is given to all round development of each individual child.
The main objective of “KIDS CASTLE” is to help children focus their minds build concentration and competency to learn how to think for themselves and think about others. Form this grows confidence and self-esteem.
Our “KIDS CASTLE” is a bright beautiful place furnished and stocked for the complete development if the child. There is a harmony of a light and colour with a refinement of sprit. From the moment you step into the kindergarten you will be transformed by the reality based child-sized authentic Montessori environment.
To provide quality Montessori education in an environment which fasters child’s love of learning and respect for self, others and community.
We are committed to ensuring that our students reach the highest potential and to be the good citizen of the future “Teach your child to love to learn”.
Well ventilated rooms
Individualized instruction
Mixed aged grouping
An international curriculum
A prepared environment
Specialized Montessori teaching materials
Practical learning
Field Trips
Water play and sand play
Homely and lovely care
Hygienic and balance diet
Monthly Health check-up
Well trained and experienced teachers